Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Hola!! Happy new year!

Welcome to 2013 and all that hoopla!! Personally, this is a year I'm very excited about, and I hope it lives up to all my hopes, and is equally good to you too.

In time-honoured tradition, and I suspect like many other long-suffering dieters out there, today was the last farewell fanfare of the Christmas feast. A combination of a hangover, and arriving home after 10 days away to find naught in the fridge and the supermarket closed, led my flatmate and myself to the door of the local fish and chip shop, but with strong vows that as of tomorrow we're getting food in and sorting our acts out :-)

I dare say that tomorrow's weigh in a Slimming World won't be at all brilliant, but actually, the knowledge that I had that weigh in at all has led me to make better decisions than I otherwise would have over the festive season, so whatever gain I see tomorrow is less than it could otherwise have been. I haven't been bad all the way through the holiday, but I will see the effect of the last 3 days which have featured rather a lot of booze and 2 take outs, plus a restaurant meal. That can't be helped, and is just a temporary blip.

In another time-honoured tradition, my lovely friend Jo and I sat in the pub the other night (sipping diet Cokes thank you very much) and put together our goals, resolutions and challenges for 2013. We've done this every year since 2009, when this act first spurred me to take my weight loss seriously and join Weightwatchers, and they're a fun exercise to undertake. As usual, we were very organised and didn't bring anything to write on, so mine is scribbled on the back of an old Christmas card envelope that happened to be in my handbag!!

This year, mine is split into 4 sections: weight / health, debt, career and social. Here's a sneak peak what I'm aiming for this year.


- Slimming World: commit for at least 2 months (sticking to it properly) to see if it will work for me, and make as many of the meetings as possible (sometimes tricky with my work schedule in January).

- Get back under 13 st, and make a real effort to get below 12st.

- Gym: at least 3 sessions a week, minimum of 3 weeks of the month.

- Limit drinking to 3 times a week max.

- Get 4 good sleeps a week (8+ hours a night).


- Get remaining credit cards completely cleared.

- Use bonus for debts.

- Build savings to cover 5-6 months of loan repayments (if not used for 2013 winter season, make loan overpayment).

- Aim to get under £14k of total debt by end of year.


- Finish researching ski season jobs and make an application.

- Have a think about where career is going next.


- Limit eating out to twice a week.

- Use work learning fund to book a course (probably French lessons).

- Go singles wine tasting in Jan or Feb

As you can see, it's a mix of targets and "doing" resolutions. Hopefully, the "doing" ones will support the targets. I intend to get a nice big tracker I can put on the wall, so I can tick off my targets as I achieve them each week, as it's good to see progress.

Also this year - The Great Africa Adventures (Kenya, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia over 31 days)! Glastonbury! Lots of weddings and hen parties, and a black-tie birthday party. A city break. Camping weekends. And perhaps the greatest adventure of all ... just maybe .... moving abroad for awhile!!

Happy 2013 everybody!!

(Now I'm off to bed to tick off one of my "proper" sleeps this week!)

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