Thursday, 21 June 2012

Ask And Ye Shall Receive

One of the things I have always struggled most with in my efforts to eat better and lose weight is routine. Or in my case - a lack of it.

Although I do a 9-5 office job, and make a habit of getting to the gym on my lunchbreaks these days, I'm often out on weeknights and away on weekends. Not such a problem in itself but it does mean a lot of temptation in the form of eating out and drinking.

In fact, I don't generally find the drinking issue too hard to deal with - you can choose to stay sober, or stick to spirits and diet mixers, or some combination of the two. And while there maybe be peer pressure to share a bottle of wine sometimes, it's still a choice.

Eating out on the other hand is a different beast, at least for me. If I'm eating out then I need a meal of some sort. I don't like most salads, so the obvious healthy option is out. And then there's the guess work - alcohol comes in standard units, so working out the calories and making an educated choice is easy. Restaurant menus are anything but standard, so trying to work it out accurately is a nightmare. And usually they're littered with calorie-laden nightmares and over-large portions.

So imagine my delight when, taking my dad out for a late birthday dinner last night, I checked out the menu for Ask online yesterday and found that they not only have little tags against items on the menu that they consider healthy but then list the calories for every single dish in the further information!

God almighty - does that make life easier! For a start, I was rather impressed that there healthy mains are all under 650 calories and there were actually quite a few to choose from. I had a lovely crab and crayfish ravioli with a rocket salad for about 550 cals. That was followed by a couple of scoops of sorbet and a green tea to finish. All very tasty.

So thank you, Ask, for making life a little bit easier. Now if only all the other restaurants would do the same! (To be fair - Yo! Sushi have gone one better and put all the calorie info on the in-restaurant menu - I heart you!!!)

Trundling along trying to build a bit of routine right now!

- Posted from my iPhone

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